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조우성변호사의 에토스이야기 : 적당한 역경이 필요한 이유

나를 세우는 ETHOS/self-improvement

by 조우성변호사 2012. 4. 29. 18:22


조우성변호사의 에토스이야기 : 적당한 역경이 필요한 이유

분류 : Ethos > Objective

What is ETHOS?

매력있는 사람, 존경받는 사람에게는 아리스토텔레스가 말하는 Ethos가 있다고 생각됩니다.

저는 Ethos의 구성요소를 머릿글자를 따서 다음의 네 가지로 분류해 보았습니다.

1) E - Empathy(공감능력)

2) TH - Thoughtful (사려깊은, 지혜로운)

3) O - Objective (객관적인, 냉철한, 목표지향적인)

4) S - Self Improvement (자기계발)

일이 술술 풀려도 좋을텐데 

항상 꼬이고 힘들게 진행되는 것에 울화가 치밀고 짜증이 복받치는 그대에게 

존 닐 왈, 

"적당한 역경은 큰 도움이 된다. 

연이 바람을 타고 나는 것이 아니라 바람을 거슬러 날아오르는 것처럼. - 존 닐(미국 작가) -"


John Neal (August 25, 1793–June 20, 1876), was most notably an author and art/literary critic. He was also a man of diverse talents and objectives, many of which were pioneering in his day. For example, he is credited as being the first American author to employ colloquialism in his writing, breaking with more formal traditions in literature.[1] However, he was also undisciplined and often rambling, so despite its period significance, his literary work has drifted into obscurity. He was also an early women's rights advocate, prohibitionisttemperance advocate, opponent of dueling, accomplished lawyer, boxer, and architect.

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